Our ass·proach
Beyond amusement, we aim to have a positive impact on our world. Whether by spreading laughter and good vibes in this gloomy atmosphere or by donating a portion of our profits to ass·ociations.
The observation is simple: we live in a world of assholes, governed by assholes.
The initial reaction would be to succumb to despair and pessimism. Butt, we prefer to laugh about it and proudly display our status as assholes!
So, we've created a magnificent hole of fame of 69 ass·works!
Beyond amusement, we aim to have a positive impact on our world. Whether by spreading laughter and good vibes in this gloomy atmosphere or by donating a portion of our profits to ass·ociations.
From Donass Trump to Hulk Hogass, our Hole of Fame celebrates iconic figures in a unique way. Discover the humorous names and stories behind each ass·work. More than art, they are a satirical look at today's world.
We are a group of p·ass·ionate artists who believe that laughter is the best investment and therapy in the face of the world around us. Learn more a·butt us and the reasons that led us to embark on this unconventional adventure.